Jonathan Karamalikis vs. Noeung Troeung

May 4, 2015

With the board showing 9club6club5spade10club on the turn and well over 150,000 already in the pot, Noeung Troeung checks the small blind, Jonathan Karamalikis bets 94,000, and Troeung calls.

The river card pairs the board with the 5club, putting four clubs on the board, and both players check.

Troeung shows Kheart10heart for two pair, tens and fives, but Karamalikis turns over 8heart7spade to win the pot with a ten-high straight. (Neither player has a club.)

Jonathan Karamalikis  –  895,000  (111 bb)
Noeung Troeung  –  310,000  (38 bb)

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