John O'Neal Eliminated in Eighth Place ($15,120)

Jun 18, 2018

John OâNeal

The flop reads Spade AHeart QSpade J when John O’Neal (pictured) moves all in from the big blind. Michael Cohen calls under the gun, and Chaz Wexler (middle position) and Quentin Jones (late position) both fold. The remaining two players then reveal their cards.

Cohen: Club KHeart 10
O’Neal: Spade 10Spade 6

Turn and River: Diamond QDiamond 6

Cohen flopped the Broadway straight, and it holds up to increase his stack back to 4.2 million. O’Neal is eliminated in eighth place, which is good for $15,120 in prize money,

Michael Cohen – 4,200,000 (84 bb)
John O’Neal – Eliminated in Eighth Place ($15,120)

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