John Dolan Triples Up

Jul 30, 2016

John Dolan

After a flop of Heart QClub 7Club 6, John Dolan (pictured) checks the big blind, and a player in late position bets 2,500. The cutoff raises to 5,500, Dolan three bets to 13,500, and the player in late position moves all in. The cutoff calls and Dolan calls all in. Here are their hands in descending order of chip counts:

Cutoff: Spade KClub K (pair of kings)
Late Position: Heart 7Heart 6 (two pair, sevens and sixes)
John Dolan: Spade QSpade 7 (two pair, queens and sevens)

The turn Heart 10 and river Diamond A come clean for Dolan as he triples up and takes the main pot.

John Dolan  –  130,000 (217 bb)


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