John Cynn Doubles Thru Shooting Star Garrett Greer

Mar 8, 2017

John Cynn John Cynn

Shooting Star Garrett Greer raises to 11,500 from middle position, fellow Shooting Star David Tuchman calls from the hijack, John Cynn (pictured) three-bet shoves from the small blind for 49,000, and Greer isolates the pot with a shove of his own.

Greer: Club 5Diamond 5
Cynn: Spade ADiamond J

The board comes down Spade QDiamond 4Diamond 3Spade 8Spade J, giving Cynn a pair of jacks on the river to double through Greer.

John Cynn – 118,500 (23 bb)
David Tuchman – 245,000 (49 bb)
Garrett Greer – 600,000 (120 bb)

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