John Chase Eliminated in 8th Place by Adin Gardenswartz

Aug 25, 2018

John Chase_WPT500_DSC_5737

On a flop of Club ADiamond 6Club 5, John Chase (pictured) checks from the big blind and Adin Gardenswartz bets 33,000.

Robert Rubano folds the button, and Chase moves all in for a few more thousand, and Gardenswartz calls.

Chase: Heart AClub 3
Gardenswartz: Diamond ASpade J

The turn and river land the Spade 9 and Club 7, and Chase is eliminated in 8th place for a $1,200 payday.

Adin Gardenswartz – 510,000
John Chase – Eliminated in 8th Place ($1,200)

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