Johannes Toebbe Eliminated in Two Hands

Jan 11, 2018

Martin Weiemann raised from under the gun and was called by DraftKings qualifier Dickson Kesler and Theodore McQuilkin. Johannes Toebbe three-bet out of the big blind and Weiemann made it 3,600 to go. Kesler reraised to 8,000 and Toebbe was the only caller.

On the flop of Heart 4Heart 3Diamond 2 Toebbe checked and called a bet of 8,000 before checking again the Heart 8 on the turn. Kesler moved all in and Toebbe asked for a count, which was 14,125. Toebbe only had that covered by some 3,000 and reluctantly called for the following showdown:

Dickson Kesler: Heart ASpade A
Johannes Toebbe: Diamond QHeart Q

The Heart 6 on the river gave Kesler the nut flush and he soared up in the chip counts.

Soon after, Toebbe three-bet all in for 2,100 with the Heart AHeart 10 and Kunal Patni looked him up with the Spade QClub J. The board came Heart JSpade 8Club 2Spade 3Heart K and that spelled the end for Toebbe on the first bullet for the day.

Dickson Kesler – 67,000
Kunal Patni – 40,000
Martin Weiemann – 19,000
Theodore McQuilkin – 15,500
Johannes Toebbe – Eliminated

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