Joel Tushnet Eliminated in 10th($5,578) & Long Tran ($7,657) Eliminated in 9th; Final Table of 8 Set

Oct 25, 2015

Joel Tushnet

Joel Tushnet

Joel Tushnet moves all in from under the gun for 185,000 and action folds to Peter Hengsakul, who moves all in over the top for 1,400,000.

The rest of the table folds around to Long Tran in the big blind who quickly calls all in for less.

Tushnet: Spade AHeart 5
Hengsakul: Heart ADiamond K
Tran: Club QSpade Q

The board runs out Diamond 8Heart 4Club JHeart 8Diamond A and Hengsakul scores the double knockout, ending play for the night. 


Full chip counts and seating assignments will be posted shortly.

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