Joe Serock Doubles Through Tony Dunst

Jun 25, 2018

Joe Serock
Photo:  Season X WPT Player of the Year Joe Serock

Joe McCarthy opens to 12,000 from early position before Tony Dunst three-bet the button to 30,000. From the big blind, Joe Serock moves all in for 156,000 and McCarthy folds, while Dunst calls.

Serock: Spade ADiamond Q
Dunst: Club KDiamond K

The dealer spreads a Diamond AHeart 8Diamond 2Heart 9Spade 10 board and Serock strikes a double with his outdraw on Dunst.

Joe Serock – 332,000
Tony Dunst – 70,000

Photo:  Tony Dunst studies Joe Serock’s stack to see what he owes after losing the hand.
Tony Dunst

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