Joe Kuether's Six-Bet Gets a Five-Minute Tank From Robert Lo

Mar 7, 2013

Athanasios Polychronopoulos raises from the cutoff to 28,000, and Robert Lo reraises from the button to 53,000. While Joe Kuether is thinking in the big blind, Polychronopoulos announces a raise, but the dealer stops him.

A floor quickly rules that the action is on Kuether, who may fold, call, or raise. If he folds or calls, then Polychronopoulos’s raise is binding. Kuether calls, and Polychronopoulos is forced to raise — and he raises the minimum, to 78,000.

The action is back on Lo, and he five-bets it to 178,000. Then Kuether puts in the sixth bet by moving all in, and Polychronopoulos folds.

Lo tanks for a long time — perhaps five minutes — before he folds, and Kuether takes the pot.

Joe Kuether  –  920,000  (76 bb)
Athanasios Polychronopoulos  –  780,000  (65 bb)
Robert Lo  –  240,000  (20 bb)

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