Joe Cada Eliminated by Isaac Kempton

Dec 15, 2022

Joe CadaPhoto:  Joe Cada

Just before the level-up, Steven Sarmiento limps in from under the gun, Joe Cada raises to 25,000 in the cutoff, Stephen Chidwick calls on the button, and Isaac Kempton three-bets to 90,000 from the small blind. Sarmiento folds, Cada calls, and Chidwick calls.

The flop is Club 6Club 3Spade 3, Kempton bets 100,000, Cada calls, and Chidwick folds.

The turn is the Heart 8, Kempton shoves for effectively 310,000, and Cada tanks for several minutes before he calls all in.

Kempton:  Club KSpade K
Cada:  Club QDiamond Q

Cada trails with queens and finds no help from the river, locking up the pot for Kempton.

Isaac Kempton  – 1,400,000  (175 bb)
Joe Cada  –  Eliminated

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