Joe Beasy Doubles Thru Randall Emmett

Apr 20, 2024

Joe BeasyPhoto: Joe Beasy

Joe Beasy is all in for his last 16,000 against Randall Emmett and in good shape that would quickly get even better.

Joe Beasy: Spade 7Heart 7
Randall Emmett: Club 5Diamond 5

The flop comes Club KHeart 8Club 7, bringing Beasy a set of sevens. The turn Club 7 gives him quads to clinch the hand before the Spade Q completes the board.

As the WPT reporter confirms Beasy’s name, the boisterous Everett pipes in, “his name’s Quadzilla! Q-U-A-D-Z…”

Joe Beasy – 36,000 (60 bb)
Randall Emmett – 75,000 (125 bb)

Randall EmmettPhoto: Randall Emmett

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