Jimmy Ghobrial Eliminated by Josh Bell

Oct 6, 2019

The player in the hijack raises to 40,000 before Jimmy Ghobrial moves all in for 183,000 from the cutoff. Joshua Bell flat calls from the big blind. The original raiser thinks for a minute and also calls.

The flop drops Spade 7Club 10Club K and Bell moves all in which has his opponent well covered.

“The only reason I didn’t want to go all-in preflop was because I put you on aces,” says the hijack, before releasing his hand to the muck.

Bell: Heart KDiamond Q
Ghobrial: Heart ASpade J

The Club 9 then Diamond 10 completes the board, improving Bell to two pair, and results in Ghobrial hitting the rail.

Joshua Bell – 1,350,000
Jimmy Ghobrial – Eliminated

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