Jiachen Gong vs. Matthew Parry

Feb 15, 2015

Matthew Parry raises to 35,000 from middle position and Jiachen Gong calls from the cutoff.

The flop comes Kclub7spade5heart. Matthew Parry bets 45,000 and Gong calls.

The turn is the 10heart. Parry checks, Gong bets 65,000, and Parry calls.

The river brings the 3club and Parry checks again. Gong bets 125,000, leaving around 145,000 behind. Parry thinks for a good two minutes before calling.

Gong tables AdiamondAspade, Parry mucks, and Gong takes the pot.

Jiachen Gong – 690,000 (43 bb)
Matthew Parry – 510,000 (32 bb)

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