Jia Cheng Yan Forces Fold From Abhinandan Sarda

Aug 19, 2022

Picking up the action on a flop of Heart QClub 4Heart 3, Jia Cheng Yan bets 3,500 in the hijack. One of the table big stacks, Abhinandan Sarda on the button, opts for a raise to 10,500 thereafter. What follows is a reraise to 33,000 by Yan and Sarda mulls it over to then fold.

“Threes?” he inquires but receives no answer. While Sarda remains with a very healthy stack, he has now been surpassed by Vincent Huang on the same table.

Vincent Huang – 210,000
Abhinandan Sarda – 182,000
Jia Cheng Yan – 104,000

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