Jessica Dawley Doubles Thru Matthew Sabia

Jan 29, 2019

Jessica Dawley

A player limps under the gun for 2,500, the player in the hijack calls, and Jessica Dawley (pictured) reraises from the button to 11,000. Matthew Sabia reraises from the big blind to 33,000, and the two players who limped both fold.

Dawley four-bets all in for 65,500, and Sabia calls with Heart 8Club 8. Dawley turns over Diamond ASpade K, and she needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Heart KHeart 5Heart 2Spade 4Spade 10, and Dawley pairs her king on the flop to win the pot and double up in chips.

Jessica Dawley  –  140,000  (56 bb)

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