Jesse Lonis Eliminated by Lewis Robledo

Mar 24, 2024

Lewis Robledo raises to 4,500 from middle position, David Peters calls in the hijack, and Jesse Lonis calls in the big blind.

The flop was Diamond KClub 5Spade 3, Lonis checks, and Robledo continues for 5,500. Peters folds, Lonis check-raises all in for 16,500, and Robledo calls with Heart AHeart 6 for ace high. Lonis shows Spade 8Diamond 3 for a pair of treys and is ahead.

The Spade 2 turn and Spade 6 river complete the board, giving Robledo a pair of sixes to eliminate Lonis.

Lewis Robledo  –  345,000  (173 bb)
David Peters  –  170,000  (85 bb)
Jesse Lonis  –  Eliminated

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