Jerry Yang Eliminated by Kevin Song

Jan 31, 2021

Jerry Yang
Photo:  2007 WSOP Main Event Champion Jerry Yang

WSOP Main Event Champion Jerry Yang raises to 15,000, Kevin Song reraises to 32,000, and Yang calls.

The flop comes X 9X 3X 2 with two diamonds, Yang bets, Song raises, and Yang three-bets all in for about 270,000.

Song calls with Spade 9Club 9 for top set, and Yang turns over Diamond QX Q for an overpair. Yang needs to improve to stay alive.

The turn card is the Spade 4, the river card is the Club K, and Song wins the pot with his set of nines to eliminate Yang and catapult up to nearly a million in chips.

Kevin Song  –  970,000  (194 bb)
Jerry Yang  –  Eliminated

Kevin Song
Photo:  Chipleader Kevin Song

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