Jeremy Stein Eliminated by Noah Shefrin; Shefrin Dominating with 975K

Mar 24, 2019

Day 2 Jeremy Stein

Justin Liberto raises from middle position to 12,000, chipleader Noah Shefrin calls from the button, and Jeremy Stein (pictured) calls from the big blind.

The flop comes Club 10Club 3X 3, Stein checks, and Liberto bets 9,000. Shefrin calls, and Stein calls.

The turn card is the Spade 9, Stein checks, and Liberto bets 37,000. Shefrin calls, and Stein check-raises to about 130,000. Liberto folds, and Shefrin moves all in.

Stein calls all in with Spade QSpade 3 for trip threes on the flop, but Shefrin turns over Heart 9Diamond 9 for a turned full house. Stein needs a three on the river to stay alive.

The river card is a blank, and Shefrin wins the pot with his full house to eliminate Stein form the tournament.

Noah Shefrin  –  975,000  (163 bb)
Jeremy Stein  –  Eliminated

There are now 51 players remaining, and the final 47 will finish in the money.

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