Jeremy Jagoda Eliminated in 7th Place by Mathieu Rabalison

Jun 24, 2019

Jeremy Jagoda

Alfredo Fernandez raises under the gun to 38,000, Mathieu Rabalison moves all in from the hijack for about 180,000, and Jeremy Jagoda (pictured) calls all in from the big blind for about 125,000. Fernandez folds.

Jagoda turns over Heart KDiamond K, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive against Rabalison’s Diamond AHeart Q.

The board comes Club 10Club 7Spade 5Club 8Spade A, and Rabalison pairs his ace on the river to win the pot and eliminate Jagoda in seventh place to bring Turbo Flight 1D to an end.

Mathieu Rabalison  –  347,000  (22 bb)
Jeremy Jagoda  –  Eliminated in 7th Place  ($1,200)

The final six players are now bagging and tagging their chips for Day 2. Stay tuned for official chip counts.

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