Jenny Westerlund Eliminated by Emil Bise in 16th Place (€8,300)

Apr 14, 2024

Jozef Komorny opens to 115,000 under the gun and is called by Jenny Westerlund in middle position and Emil Bise in the big blind.

On the Heart QDiamond 10Heart 2 flop action is checked to Westerlund, who puts out a bet of 110,000. Bise responds with a check-raise to 375,000. Westerlund calls.

The Diamond 7 rolls off on the turn and Bise moves all-in for around 500,000. Westerlund makes the quick call.

Emil Bise: Club KDiamond Q
Jenny Westerlund: Diamond KDiamond J  

Bise is ahead with his pair of queens, but Westerlund has plenty of outs with her turned flush draw and up and down straight draw.

However the Heart K rolls off on the river to give Bise two pair and send Westerlund to the exit.

Emil Bise – 3,200,000 (64 bb)
Jenny Westerlund – eliminated in 16th Place (€8,300)

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