Jennifer Frankenstein Takes Out Chad Stewart; Hand-For-Hand Begins

May 13, 2024

Photo: Chad Stewart

Jennifer Frankenstein raises to 20,000 under the gun as action folds to Chad Stewart in the big blind. He uses a time bank before three-betting to 91,000, leaving 1,000 behind.

Frankenstein calls and the flop comes Club AClub 10Spade 3. Stewart checks to Frankenstein who puts out a bet. Stewart again uses a time bank and eventually puts in his last chip.

Chad Stewart: Club KSpade 8
Jennifer Frankenstein: Diamond ADiamond Q

Frankenstein is ahead with her pair of aces as the board runs out Spade 2Heart Q, sending Stewart to the rail two spots off the money.

The remaining 26 players are now playing hand-for-hand until there is one more elimination.

Jennifer Frankenstein- 300,000 (38 bb)
Chad Stewart- eliminated

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