Jeffrey Meyers Eliminated in 15th Place ($21,306), Jake Schwartz Gets a Penalty

Nov 9, 2015

Jake Schwartz

George Wolfe raises to 30,000 under-the-gun and Jeffrey Meyers moves all in for 130,000 next to act. Action folds around to Jake Schwartz (pictured above) in the small blind, who announces a call. David Farber folds his big blind and Schwartz exposes Spade KHeart K before Wolfe acts.

“Well this is interesting,” said Wolfe.

The tournament staff is called over and it is ruled that Schwartz’s hand is still live, but he will receive a one orbit penalty at the conclusion of the hand. Schwartz turns his hand back over and is face-down while Wolfe goes into the tank. After a minute in the tank, Wolfe calls and any further action would be in a side pot between Schwartz and Wolfe.

Action gets checked to the river as the board runs out Heart QSpade 10Heart 2Heart 9Heart J and Schwartz leads out for 35,000.

“Why would you bet?” asked Wolfe. “I know what you have.”

Wolfe quickly raises to 350,000 and Schwartz stands up from the table, takes his hat off and rubs his head. He takes 30 seconds and then calls. Wolfe shows Heart ASpade Q, good for the nut flush and Schwartz sends his hand into the muck. Meyers tables Spade ADiamond Q and is eliminated in 15th place as the tournament heads to break.

George Wolfe – 1,550,000 (129 bb)
Jake Schwartz – 1,360,000 (113 bb)
Jeffrey Meyers – Eliminated

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