Jeffrey Cormier Smashes the Turn

Aug 21, 2016

Daniel Charette raises to 21,000 from under the gun. Jeffrey Cormier is in the cutoff and calls.

The flop comes Club QClub 3Spade 3. Charette leads out for 26,000, and Cormier calls.

The turn is the Diamond 7. Charette moves all in, and Cormier snap-calls, tabling Spade 7Heart 7 for sevens full of threes. Charette shakes his head, and shows Diamond ADiamond Q for two pair, queens and threes.

The river is the Spade 10 and Cormier survives the bubble.

Jeffrey Cormier – 350,000 (43 bb)
Daniel Charette – 104,000 (13 bb)

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