Jeff Platt Check-Raises the River

Mar 23, 2024

Jeff PlattPhoto:  Jeff Platt

Picking up the action on a flop of Spade ASpade 9Diamond 3 with about 1,400 in the pot, Jeff Platt bets 300 from the small blind. David Ong raises to 700 from the big blind and Platt calls.

The turn is the Spade 8, Platt checks, Ong bets 1,000, and Platt calls.

The river is the Diamond 10, Platt checks, Ong bets 2,200, Platt check-raises to 9,000, and Ong calls.

Platt tables Spade QSpade J for a flush, Ong mucks, and Platt wins the pot.

Jeff Platt  –  60,000  (300 bb)
David Ong  –  38,000  (190 bb)

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