Jeff Kirby Eliminates Andrew Ostapchenko

Aug 28, 2022

Jeff Kirby
Photo:  Jeff Kirby

We pick up the action on a flop of Heart JHeart 9Spade 3 with approximately 15,000 in the middle, and Andrew Ostapchenko is all in for around 15,000 holding Spade ADiamond A against the Club QDiamond Q of Jeff Kirby.

The turn Diamond 10 gives Kirby an open-ended straight, and Ostapchenko calls for a king on the river.

The river indeed comes the Heart K. Ostapchenko shakes his head in disgust as his turn prediction comes to fruition and Kirby makes his straight to send Ostapchenko to the rail.

“Knew it was coming,” Ostapchenko says as he exits the tournament area.

Jeff Kirby – 55,000 (55 bb)
Andrew Ostapchenko – Eliminated

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