Jeff Fielder Eliminated in 92nd Place ($6,400)

Aug 6, 2017

After being crippled by AJ Nimer a few hands after entering the money, Jeff Fielder (pictured, below) was left with just several thousand. After folding a few hands, Fielder eventually tossed in his final 4,000 from middle position.

AJ Nimer pushes all in behind him for 47,000, and John England on the button calls.

Fielder: Club AClub 8
Nimer: Heart 9Club 9
England: Diamond AHeart 10

The board ran out Diamond 2Spade 3Club 6Club 7Diamond 4 and Fielder was eliminated in 92nd place, as Nimer more then doubles to 110,000.

AJ Nimer – 110,000
John England – 100,000
Jeff Fielder – Eliminated in 92nd place

Jeff Fielder

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