Jeff Cormier Up to 100,000

Jan 10, 2018

Jeffrey Cormier
On a flop of Heart AHeart 2Club 7 Bulent Belek bet and both Jeff Cormier (pictured above) and Anatolii Vakarchuk called.

The turn was the Club J. Belek bet 6,600 and Cormier called. Vakarchuk then three-bet all in for over 50,000 putting both opponents to the test. Belek called all in for 16,000 and Cormier thought before saying “Ok, I’ll gamble,” and moved all in for 36,375.

Bulent Belek: Spade AHeart K
Jeff Cormier: Club AClub 5
Anatolii Vakarchuk: Heart JHeart 7

The river was the Club 10 completing Cormier’s flush. Vakarchuk let out a slew of Ukranian as Cormier doubled through him and eliminated Belek.

“You’re going to bully us now, raising every hand,” said one of Cormier’s tablemates to the Canadian.

“A bit,” said Cormier.

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