Jean-François Bertrand Eliminated

Sep 29, 2018

With a main pot of 38,000 showing and a far bigger side pot between Aitor Tilla and Mehdi Hsissen, Jean-François Bertrand is awaiting his fate. The completed board shows Spade AClub 8Heart 5Heart ASpade 10 and Hsissen moves all in for 106,000.

Eventually, Tilla flicks in a call and all cards are tabled. Hsissen turns them over first, revealing the Diamond ADiamond 10 for a full house. Bertrand just smiles and flashes Diamond KClub 10, while the Spaniard mucks Club AClub J for trips aces.

Mehdi Hsissen – 330,000
Aitor Tilla – 265,000
Jean-François Bertrand – Eliminated

After the hand, the dealers are instructed to announce all in and call, as the money bubble is very close with 59 remaining and 55 spots paid.

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