Jean Francois Alexandre Doubles Up with Quads Against Fadi Chamoun

May 20, 2024

Fadi Chamoun raises UTG+1 to 85,000, Jean Francois Alexandre reraises from the cutoff to 225,000, and Chamoun calls.

The flop comes Spade JSpade 9Club 8, Chamoun checks, Alexandre bets 75,000, and Chamoun check-raises to 225,000. Alexandre calls.

The turn card pairs the board with the Spade 8, Chamoun moves all in for 950,000, and Alexandre snap-calls all in for 845,000 with Heart 8Diamond 8 for quad eights.

Chamoun turns over Diamond ADiamond 10 for an open-ended straight draw, and he is drawing dead.

The meaningless river card is the Heart K, and Alexandre wins the pot with his quad eights to double up in chips.

Jean Francois Alexandre  –  3,035,000  (76 bb)
Fadi Chamoun  –  105,000  (3 bb)

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