Jean Brassard Smacks the Flop to Bust Albert Gorelik

May 14, 2024

Jean BrassardPhoto: Jean Brassard

After a series of limps, Albert Gorelik raises to 6,200 in the big blind and only Jean Brassard calls on the button.

The flop comes Heart 9Heart 8Diamond 6 and Gorelik bets 6,000. Brassard then raises to 20,000 and Gorelik moves all in for 45,000. Brassard lets out a deep sigh. “Two pair,” he tells Gorelik as he finally calls.

Albert Gorelik: Spade ASpade 9
Jean Brassard: Spade 8Spade 6

Gorelik is behind with only a pair of nines after Brassard’s eights and sixes. The rest of the board comes Spade 5Diamond K and Brassard sends Gorelik to the rail.

Jean Brassard- 250,000 (156 bb)
Albert Gorelik- eliminated

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