Jason Eisele Hits Two-Outer to Take Chip Lead

Mar 25, 2018

Jason Eisele
Jason Eisele tangled with Jason Steinhorn in a 450,000-chip pot and found one of the two cards he needed to hit and take the chip lead.

Eisele opened the button to 10,000 and Steinhorn three-bet to 43,000 out of the big blind. Eisele four-bet all-in for 223,000 and Steinhorn was right behind him with a call. Steinhorn opened up Club KHeart K and was a massive favorite against the Diamond QHeart Q of Eisele.

The Spade 8Diamond 4Heart 2 flop was good for Steinhorn but the Club Q turn put Eisele in the lead. No king came on the river and Steinhorn sent over most of his stack.

Eisele is the new chip leader with 450,000 and Steinhorn has to rebuild from the 46,000 he has left.

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