Jason Clarke Eliminated by Rayan Chamas

May 16, 2024

Photo: Rayan Chamas

Three players see a flop of Diamond JDiamond AHeart 8 where Rayan Chamas bets 75,000 from under the gun. Abel Ouellet-Clark folds in middle position, while Jason Clarke moves all in for around 200,000 in the big blind. Chamas snap-calls.

Jason Clarke: Diamond QDiamond 7
Rayan Chamas: Spade AHeart J

Clarke has a flush draw, while Chamas shows down top two pair. The Club J turn improves Chamas to a full house, and Clarke is already drawing dead by the Heart 9 river.

“Oh wow, I had pocket nines,” Ouellet-Clark says as Chamas takes the pot, sending Clarke to the rail.

Rayan Chamas- 1,600,000 (80 bb)
Abel Ouellet-Clark- 600,000 (30 bb)

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