Jari Mahonen Eliminated by Max Deveson; Sven Stok Also Sends One Out

Mar 21, 2024

Jari Mahonen moves all in for 300,000 on the button and Max Deveson calls in the cutoff.

Jari Mahonen: Diamond 10Spade 10
Max Deveson: Diamond AHeart A

Mahonen finds out he had run into Deveson’s aces as the flop comes Club 5Diamond 4Diamond A to give Deveson top set. The board runs out Spade KDiamond 9 and Mahonen is eliminated.

The next hand at this table, a player gets his last 200,000 in the middle against Sven Stok.

All-In Player: Spade AHeart Q
Sven Stok: Club AHeart A

Stok is the one to wake up with aces this time and hits the last one in the deck on the Club 5Diamond 4Diamond A flop. The rest of the board is Spade KDiamond 9 and Stok scores the knockout.

Max Deveson- 1,600,000
Sven Stok- 1,500,000
Jari Mahonen- eliminated

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