Jan-Peter Jachtmann Doubles Through Johnny Nedved

Jan 11, 2018

Jan-Peter Jachtmann

Johnny Nedved raised to 1,500 from under the gun. The cutoff called and Jan-Peter Jachtmann called on the button.

The flop came Club QClub 7Spade 4 and Nedved continued for 1,500. The cutoff folded and Jachtmann raised to 4,000. With the action back on Nedved he three-bet to 11,000 and Jachtmann quickly moved all in.

Nedved asked for a count and Jachtmann’s all in was for 40,875. Nedved called.

Johnny Nedved: Club ASpade Q
Jan-Peter Jachtmann: Club 5Club 6

The turn was the Diamond K but the river Club 8 gave Jachtmann a flush, doubling him to just under 90,000.

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