Jan Micek Eliminated by Thomas Rauhe; Hand-for-Hand Begins

Apr 11, 2024

Photo: Jan Micek

Thomas Rauhe moves all in from the cutoff and Jan Micek calls for his last 75,000 on the button.

Jan Micek: Diamond AClub J
Thomas Rauhe: Club KClub Q

“That’s a good one,” Rauhe says upon seeing Micek’s hand. The flop comes Diamond 2Diamond 7Diamond Q to give Rauhe the lead with top pair, while the rest of the board comes Heart 4Club 3 to send Micek to the rail.

Play is now going hand-for-hand with 11 players remaining until there is one more elimination.

Thomas Rauhe- 180,000 (23 bb)
Jan Micek- eliminated

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