Jan Jansma Takes Over Chip Lead

May 12, 2017

Jan Jansma
Jan Jansma raised to 48,000 and Daniel Danivar defended his big blind. The pair saw a flop of Heart 2Spade 9Diamond 9 and Danivar bet 50,000. Jansma called.

The turn was the Spade A and Danivar bet 65,000. Jansma called and the river was the Diamond 10. Danivar checked and Jansma bet 100,000. Danivar then check-raised to 430,000.

There was some question over whether Danivar called the clock on Jansma, and the floor allowed him more time, before he slammed the chips down on the table saying “I call.”

Danivar turned over Spade 7Heart 7 and Jansma won the pot with Diamond AHeart 10 and took over the chip lead.

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