Jan Jansma Eliminated in 3rd Place (€65,570)

May 13, 2017

Jan Jansma EliminatedJan Jansma EliminatedJan Jansma EliminatedJan Jansma EliminatedJan Jansma Eliminated
Jans Jansma raised to 155,000 from the small blind. Daniel Danivar three-bet from the big blind to 655,000. Jansma moved all in and Danivar called.

Jansma: Heart KDiamond K
Danivar: Spade 3Spade 6

Again it looked like Danivar’s hand had been caught in the cookie jar, but things soon changed when the flop came Diamond 6Club 3Heart 4 giving Danivar two-pair.

The turn was the Club 4 giving Jansma a bigger two pair, and a look of relief swept across the Dutchman’s face.

However, the deck had one last shock in store for the pair as the river was the Heart 3 giving Danivar a full house and eliminating Jansma in third place for €65,570 ($71,471).

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