Jan Gogora Doubles Through Michel Molenaar in Cooler

Apr 12, 2024

Michel Molenaar opens to 2,300 from under the gun and is met with a three-bet to 6,800 from Jan Gogora in middle position.

Action folds back to Molenaar, who four-bets to 30,000, covering Gogora. Gogora makes the quick call to put himself at risk.

Jan Gogora:Club ASpade A
Michel Molenaar:Diamond KHeart K

Gogora’s aces are in great shape versus Molenaar’s kings, and no help arrives for the Dutchman on the Spade 7Spade 8Heart 2Heart 7Club 2 runout.

Jan Gogora – 58,500 (58 bb)
Michel Molenaar – 19,000 (19 bb)

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