James Yap Eliminated in 18th Place by Amit Zulkowitz

Jun 29, 2016

In the final hand of the night, Amit Zulkowitz raises to 25,000, James Yap moves all in for about 40,000, and Zulkowitz quickly calls with Heart KHeart Q. Yap turns over Diamond AHeart 7, and needs to improve to stay alive.

Yap stays in the lead until Zulkowitz spikes a king on the river to win the pot with a pair of kings. Yap is eliminated in 18th place, bringing Day 1B to an end.

Amit Zulkowitz  –  429,000  (43 bb)
James Yap  –  Eliminated in 18th Place  ($1,200)

The final 17 players are now bagging and tagging their chips, guaranteed at least $1,500 each as they advance to Day 2, which begins at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, July 5th. Official chip counts will be posted soon.

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