James Romero Eliminated in 24th Place (CA$19,000)

Nov 2, 2019

James Romero

WPT Champions Club member James Romero (pictured) opens to 90,000 in middle position and both Joseph Cheong and Adedapo Ajayi call from late position and the big blind respectively.

The flop lands Diamond 5Diamond 2Spade Q and action checks to Cheong who bets 100,000. Ajayi calls, and Romero check-raises to 310,000.

Cheong folds, but Ajayi calls as both players check through the Spade 4 on the turn.

The river is the Heart 9 and Ajayi announces he is all in for roughly 4.1 million.

Romero burns through four time extension chips before calling all in for 1,920,000 total.

Ajayi tables his Heart 2Club 2 for bottom set, and Romero reveals his Diamond QSpade J before heading to the rail in 24th place for a CA$19,000 payday.

Adedapo Ajayi – 7,070,000
James Romero – Eliminated in 24th Place (CA$19,000)

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