James Pillon and Zennawi Petros Eliminated by Sebastien Aube

May 16, 2024

James Pillon moves all in for 365,000 in early position and Sebastien Aube calls in the cutoff. Zennawi Petros then reshoves for around 1,200,000 in the small blind and Aube snap-calls.

James Pillon: Heart ADiamond Q
Zennawi Petros: Diamond JClub J
Sebastien Aube: Spade AClub A

Aube shows down aces and has both players at risk as the board runs out Spade 7Heart 9Diamond 3Spade QSpade 6, giving Aube the massive pot and sending Pillon and Petros to the rail.

Sebastien Aube- 5,800,000 (193 bb)
James Pillon- eliminated
Zennawi Petros– eliminated

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