James Chen Eliminated in 24th Place by Bin Weng

Jul 13, 2023

James ChenPhoto:  James Chen

James Chen limps for 60,000 from under the gun, Bin Weng raises to 180,000 from the hijack, and Chen calls.

The flop comes Heart 9Heart 8Diamond 7, Chen checks, Weng bets 200,000, and Chen calls.

The turn is the Club 7, Chen checks, Weng bets 550,000, Chen raises all in for about 1,400,000, and Weng calls with Heart JHeart 10 for a jack-high straight, leading Chen’s Spade ASpade 9 for nines and sevens.

The river is the Diamond 2, no help to Chen, ending his tournament in 24th place.

Bin Weng  –  8,700,000  (145 bb)
James Chen  –  Eliminated in 24th Place  ($89,080)

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