James Akenhead Doubles Through Murat Ayata

Feb 20, 2020

James Akenhead

There is 13,000 in the middle on the turn, with Diamond 3Diamond 9Heart 4Club 10 on display. James Akenhead is in the big blind and he bets 10,000 into the pot and Murat Ayata, sat in early position, calls.

The river comes a Spade J and Akenhead bets 17,100 all in. The bet is about half Ayata’s remaining stack and he reacts with a groan. Then, after a minute of thinking, he tries to engage his opponent in some table talk. Akenhead remains silent and doesn’t move a muscle whilst this is going on, until eventually Ayata throws in the chips for a call.

Akenhead reveals Heart 9Spade 9 for a flopped set and Ayata isn’t pleased as he shows Heart KSpade K.

James Akenhead – 67,000
Murat Ayata – 18,000

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