Jake Liebeskind Eliminated in 4th Place by Maxx Coleman

Dec 13, 2023

Limit Hold ‘em

Jake Liebeskind raises in the cutoff and gets three-bet by Maxx Coleman on the button. Liebeskind calls, leaving himself just over one small bet left.

On the Club 5Spade 3Heart 2 flop, Liebeskind bets, Coleman raises, and Liebeskind commits his final chips.

Jake Liebeskind: Diamond QSpade 10
Maxx Coleman: Diamond KDiamond J

Coleman is ahead with his king-high to Liebeskind’s queen-high. He remains so through the 9s turn and as river to eliminate Liebeskind and bring the tournament down to three-handed play.

Maxx Coleman – 4,200,000
Jake Liebeskind – eliminated

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