Jaered Besse Doubles Thru Senthuran Vijayaratnam

Nov 3, 2019

Jaered Besse

Jaered Besse (pictured) moves all in from the hijack for 358,000, and Senthuran Vijayaratnam asks for an exact count. Vijayaratnam then counts down his own stack, thinks for a bit and calls from the button with Diamond KSpade Q.

Besse turns over Heart 8Diamond 8, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Heart JSpade 5Club 4Diamond 9Club 6, and Vijayaratnam turns a gutshot straight draw, but improves no further. Besse wins the pot with his pocket eights to double up in chips.

Jaered Besse  –  821,000  (27 bb)
Senthuran Vijayaratnam  –  1,030,000  (34 bb)

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