Jacob Meeks Eliminated by T.K. Miles

Jun 26, 2019

Jacob Meeks TK Miles Jacob Meeks
Photo:  Jacob Meeks (left) got it all in with pocket eights against the ace-queen suited of T.K. Miles (center), and Miles caught an ace on the river to eliminate Meeks (right).

From under the gun, Jacob Meeks moves all in for 175,000 and T.K. Miles isolates from the button for his final 300,000.

Meeks:  Spade 8Heart 8
Miles:  Spade ASpade Q

The board runs out Club 9Spade 6Heart 4Diamond 6Heart A and Meeks is eliminated in 50th place after Miles struck one of his overcards on the river.

T.K. Miles  –  525,000  (26 bb)
Jacob Miles  –  Eliminated in 50th Place  ($2,700)

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