Jacob Johnston Takes Out Two At Once

May 19, 2024

Photo: Jacob Johnston

Jacob Johnston raises to 6,500 in middle position before Daniel Maor moves all in for 18,000 on the button. Johan Levyssohn reshoves for 60,000 in the small blind and Johnston quickly calls to put both opponents at risk.

Daniel Maor: Spade ASpade J
Johan Levyssohn: Heart ADiamond Q
Jacob Johnston: Heart QSpade Q

Johnston is ahead with his queens and poised for a double knockout as the flop comes Club 5Diamond 2Spade 7. The Spade 9 turn gives Maor a flush draw, but both he and Levyssohn miss the Diamond 8 river and are sent to the rail.

WSOP bracelet winners Pablo Mariz and Bradley Smith also recently headed for the exit.

Jacob Johnston- 350,000 (117 bb)
Daniel Maor- eliminated
Johan Levyssohn– eliminated
Bradley Smith– eliminated
Pablo Mariz– eliminated

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