Jacob Haller Doubles Through David Mzarevlov

Jul 25, 2021

Action folds to Jacob Haller in late position, and he opens to approximately 35,000. David Mzarevlov in the blinds moves all-in and Haller snap calls.

Mzarevlov – Club AHeart Q
Haller – Diamond ASpade K

The dealer spreads the Club 7Spade QDiamond 4, and Mzarevlov out flops Haller to take the lead with his pair of queens.

Haller starts to pack his bags and has one foot out the door when the dealer burns and turns the Club K to give Haller knew life.

When the Club 3 completes the board, Haller doubles.

Jacob Haller – 425000
David Mzarevlov – 185000

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