Jack Efaraimo Flops a Set of Nines to Knock Out a Player

Sep 21, 2018

Jack Efaraimo, the Godfather of New Zealand Poker, raises from the hijack to 800, the player in the cutoff calls, and the player in the small blind reraises to 2,600. Efaraimo calls, and the cutoff folds.

The flop comes Club 9Heart 8Heart 2, and the small blind moves all in for what looks like a little more than 6,000.

Efaraimo snap-calls with Spade 9Diamond 9 for top set, and his opponent turns over Spade ADiamond K and says, “I think I’m drawing dead.” (Narrator: He is drawing dead.)

The meaningless turn card is the Spade Q, the meaningless river card is the Heart J, and Efaraimo wins the pot with his set of nines to eliminate his opponent.

Jack Efaraimo  –  46,000  (230 bb)

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