Ivey Forces a Fold

Jul 14, 2010

Eric Panayiotou opens the pot for a raise from under the gun and Saar Wilf calls from the cut off as does Phil Ivey on the button.

The flop comes [9s5c4c] and after a check from Panayiotou, Wilf bets 40,000.  Ivey calls and Panayiotou folds.

The turn is the [10d] and Wilf checks.  Ivey bets 100,000 and Wilf calls.

The river brings the [2c].  Wilf checks again and Ivey quickly moves all in for 295,000.  He has Wilf covered.

After a three minute session in the tank, Wilf folds and Ivey takes the pot.

Phil Ivey – 710,000
Saar Wilf – 170,000

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